timeintegration nve_sphere

Submitted by JoshuaP on Mon, 01/26/2015 - 15:56


I have a question about the functions initial_integrate and final_integrate from fix_nve_sphere. Where is the difference in the functions? When are these function used?


aaigner's picture

aaigner | Wed, 01/28/2015 - 13:09

Hi Joshua!
LIGGGHTS uses a velocity verlet integration scheme, which is an two step approach. Between the two integration steps the force is updated. Check the function run in the file verlet.cpp (seach for modify->initial_integrate) to get an idea how one timestep works.


JoshuaP | Wed, 02/18/2015 - 13:29

Hi Andreas,
so the initial and final integration are used to implement the velocity verlet with half step. But if I use the shortened velocity verlet with the acceleration from this step and the previous one, it is not necessary to use initial and final integration? So I can just save the old acceleration in a new variable and use it for the next step, update it and dont need the half step integration, am I right?
Is the halfstep verlet faster or why is it used?

Many thanks

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 02/23/2015 - 12:33

Hi Joshua,

if you implement a different integration scheme you may or may not need both functions. If it uses old accelerations, I would store them in a fix property/atom

>>Is the halfstep verlet faster or why is it used?
It is fast, efficient, does not need to store any old values and only adds terms which have the same order
