Strange behaviour with pour

Submitted by jwarnett on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 13:24


Attached below is the code I am using.
Essentially I am pouring particles into a region and then allowing them to settle before rotating them, but I have something a bit weird going on. Between runs 1200-1400 the particles hit the mesh wall of a circular tank on the x-y plane for the first time, and then massively rebound to the extent that the majority of them travel in the positive z direction and leave the simulation domain. The defined region is inside a hollow cylindrical tube mesh which sits directly ontop of the circular tank, and definitely doesn't cross the inserted mesh.

I would assume that the error in my coding is either due to the use of the 'pour' command to insert particles, or some global property for the mesh. Any ideas. All I want to do is pour particles into this region, which then settle under gravity, filling the hollow cylindrical tube which sits on the circular tank.

Thanks in advance to you all


# rotating tank

cstoltz | Wed, 04/27/2011 - 13:54

I think your timestep is probably an order of magnitude too large given the small size of your particles. Try including the fix_check_timestep_gran to see where you are relative to the Rayleigh time.

Hope that helps,

jwarnett | Wed, 04/27/2011 - 19:10

yes. school boy error! I think starting at this screen for 36hrs over the last two days has frazzled me. Thanks!