simple (?) paraview question

Submitted by jtvanlew on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 05:16

Up to now, the amount of data I was working with from LIGGGHTS was actually pretty limited. I would take the final state of a liggghts run and import the dump into MATLAB and then do some data manipulation to get things I wanted. But now I'm trying to get the time-evolution of some values, like average coordination number. Anyone know if there's an easy way to get average values of liggghts atom data after I've got the vtk in paraview? It seems like it would be much faster to extract averages via paraview than to import all the liggghts data into MATLAB -- that's a process that goes pretty slowly.

It seems like paraview should readily be able to do things like this, but I can't seem to figure out their spreadsheet view and/or data analysis filters to do this simple thing.

Thanks for anyone's help...
