rolling resistance

Submitted by CARLOS AVILA on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 19:17

Hi all,
Is there any way to set a parameter in LIGGGHTS to account for rolling resistance?
Thank you in advance,

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Fri, 12/03/2010 - 13:04

Hi Carlos,

yes - unfortunately it did not yet make it into the doc yet.
There is a flag for the tangential friction described in both fix wall/gran and the pair/gran doc
This flag has been extended to incorporate the rolling friction

The following values for the flag are possible:
0 tang. friction no, rolling friction no
1 tang. friction yes, rolling friction no
2 tang. friction no, rolling friction yes
3 tang. friction yes, rolling friction yes

If you activate the rolling friction, you will be prompted to input the coefficient of rolling friction per atom type pair (as for the coefficient of friction)


PS: I will include this in the doc for the next version