Restore variable values for the restarted simulation

Submitted by J_Wang on Fri, 10/18/2013 - 00:31

Hello everybody,

Dose anybody know how can we restore a value defined by variable in a simulation (it is scaler defined after the simulation results) and then use the value in a new simulation? I use write_restart to save the simulation but it seems that the value defined by variables can not be saved. I can manually input the variable in the new script but it is time consuming. Any good ideas?


richti83's picture

richti83 | Fri, 10/18/2013 - 12:01

.. you could write your variable into a fix property/global

Information about this fix is written to binary restart files if you set restartvalue to 'yes'.

I do this to replace some particles (but in one script)
Here is a codesnipped for an idea about the process:

variable radius equal c_rad[$i] #only replace particles bigger than D=0.076
if "${radius} > 0.038" then &
"variable x equal x[$i]" &
"variable y equal y[$i]" &
"variable z equal z[$i]" &
"variable D equal 2*${radius}" &
"fix coordX$c all property/global coordX$c scalar $x yes no no" &
"fix coordY$c all property/global coordY$c scalar $y yes no no" &
"fix coordZ$c all property/global coordZ$c scalar $z yes no no" &
"fix coordD$c all property/global coordD$c scalar $D yes no no" &
"group remove id == ${id}" &
"variable c equal $c+1"

(I need to do this because I can not use variable $x$i in the 2nd stage of my script)
and in the reloaded script

variable D equal f_coordD$i
variable dx equal f_coordX$i
variable dy equal f_coordY$i
variable dz equal f_coordZ$i-$D/2

I'm not sure if property/global stores restart values or if only property/atom does.
If it does not: maybe you can glue your script together with

jump secondscript.lmp

at the end of frist script to keep the property/atom alive.

Happy Scripting

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J_Wang | Sun, 10/20/2013 - 17:33

Good idea. As I'm using an earlier version, it is not possible to wirte property/global to binary file. But I can assign the scalar to property/atom first and then after save and restart I use the compute reduce command to reduce the peratom property to a single scalar and then define it back to the variable. It works fine now. Thanks for your reply.


J_Wang | Sun, 10/20/2013 - 17:32

Good idea. As I'm using an earlier version, it is not possible to wirte property/global to binary file. But I can assign the scalar to property/atom first and then after save and restart I use the compute reduce command to reduce the peratom property to a single scalar and then define it back to the variable. It works fine now. Thanks for your reply.
