Restarting with a different numer of processors?

Submitted by RocheDEM on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 15:30


I have been running my simulations with 2 cpu's and I use

write_restart restart-%-*.rstrt

to create a restart at the end of the simulation.

I was wondering if I can restart with a different number of cpus. I would like to use 6 now. my read_restart looks like

read_restart restart-%-*.rstrt

Whould I have more luck if I used

write_restart restart-*.rstrt


read_restart restart-*.rstrt


Thank you,


keepfit | Wed, 08/07/2013 - 15:59

I used to read save LIGGGHTS file with 4-cores, and run on single cpu. But in reverse it seems not working.

You could test your commands with a simple example run on 2 cores, and read the saved file with setting of 6 cores.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Fri, 08/30/2013 - 15:29

Basically any combination of writing/reading should work.
If not, feel free to post a toy case illisutrating the problem in the bug reports section
