Postprocessing volume or mass in a certain region

hunger's picture
Submitted by hunger on Mon, 11/02/2015 - 15:29

Hi all!

I am looking for a way to postprocess the volume or mass of all particles of a certain diameter in a geometrical region (e.g. a box). The aim would be to get a distribution of the particle diameter at the outlet of a bin (e.g. due to segregation) measured with a number of such geometrical regions.
The best I could find so far is the massflow/mesh command. Since the information I get with this command needs some further postprocessing by hand, I thought maybe somebody can give me a hint for a better possibility.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Thu, 12/10/2015 - 21:50

Hi harald,

you can use the "group" keyword in the fix massflow mesh command to do this. Use the group IDs in the fix particletemplate/sphere command to automatically assign particles of a given size to that group

Best wishes

hunger's picture

hunger | Thu, 12/17/2015 - 10:06

Hi Christoph!

Thanks for your answer. I have not considered this possibility yet, thanks for the hint!
I also dig into the code of and found it very useful to get the information needed out of the dump files.

Best regards