Paraview 4.3.1 Ubuntu 14.04 plugin crashes

Submitted by Pisolino85 on Wed, 07/01/2015 - 12:26

Hi all,
as written in the topic i downloaded plugins from for paraview 4.3.1 64bit . I pick the 3 one from the folder 4.3.1 and the last 2 ( binary reader and rigid reader) from 4.3.0 folder. When I open the .bin file from the chute_wear test paraview suddenly crashes after the "Apply" button.

Any ideas/suggestions ??

Politecnico di Torino , Italy

richti83's picture

richti83 | Wed, 07/01/2015 - 15:52

Did you try to open a binary restart file or a binary dumpfile ? As far as I know the chute wear produces text-dump files. The binary reader is only for dumpfiles, not for restart files.

Try to start paraview from commandline to get more information why it is crashed.
You need to know, that the order in the dump command of dumped items is hardcoded for the binary file format because there is no way to let the reader know which fields are in the file.
The dump needs to be: dump dmp all custom 100 post/dump*.bin id x y z vx vy vz radius mass

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