Not able to access variables in neigh_list.h for C++ interfacing with LIGGGHTS

Submitted by ishaandesai on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 12:16

Hello all,

I am using C++ interfacing with LIGGGHTS by following an example case given on by the name of QUEST - (lmpqst) mentioned below:

I am not able to access the following variables from the file neigh_list.h:

int *ilist;
int *numneigh;
int **firstneigh;

I need these variables to form a neighbor list for further use. I believe that while interfacing with C++, LIGGGHTS will conduct one iteration completely and then revert to C++ commands, so is it possible that at the end of an iteration these variables are cleaned and hence I am getting either NULL values or errors on accessing them ?

Any input will be valuable.