Mesh errors for vibrating screen deck

Submitted by Mishal on Mon, 03/21/2022 - 20:11

Hi Guys

Does anyone have any advice for modelling deck of vibrating screens?

I have developed a mesh 2x1.8m with 12.5mm apertures in it.

I get the below error when trying to run my code.
what can I do to resolve the issue?

Mesh deck: 9296 elements have high aspect ratio (soft limit: smallest angle > 0.500000 ° required)
WARNING: Fix mesh: Mesh contains highly skewed element, moving mesh (if used) will not parallelize well (../surface_mesh_I.h:657)
ERROR: Mesh deck: The minumum angle of mesh element 1377 (line 9641) is lower than the specified curvature. Increase mesh quality or decrease curvature (currently 0.256235°)
ERROR on proc 1: Fix mesh: Bad mesh, cannot continue. You can try setting 'curvature' to 1e-5 or lower or use 'curvature_tolerant yes' (../surface_mesh_I.h:648)

mschramm | Mon, 03/21/2022 - 23:59

From the error, you seem to be using a poor surface mesh. Did you export an stl file from solidworks?
I would recommend remeshing your model using a true surface mesh generated by a meshing software (GMSH or a proprietary one).

If you cannot get a better mesh you can try lowering the mesh tolerance. See

Mishal | Tue, 03/22/2022 - 08:57


Correct from Solidworks, however I have made another model on NX due to my better knowledge of NX.

I downloaded GMSH last night will mess around to see how I am fix the issue.


mschramm | Tue, 03/22/2022 - 18:10

I mentioned GMSH simply because that is the one I use.

Solidworks likes to make very long triangles that don't like to play nicely with liggghts.

For gmsh, I would export your model as a step file.
Then import the step file into gmsh.
From here, gmsh can create the 2d mesh.
After the mesh is created, you can export the mesh as an stl file.