LIGGGHTS 2.1.1 released

ckloss's picture
Submitted by ckloss on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 19:19

LIGGGHTS 2.1.1: (released 7 September 2012)

+ Due to recurring problems in the latest releases, there is a complete re-work of edge and corner detection in mesh and update to the particle-mesh distance algorithm, with simpklifications, bugfixes and corrections for the parallel case. Thanks ot Chris Stoltz (PG) for sending lots of test cases that helped us find the source of the issues.
+ Added "aedges", "acorners" keywords to the dump mesh/vtk command to be able to visualize active/inactive edges and corners in a mesh.
+ Other small bug-fixes in parallel mesh handling.
+ Re-work of the fix insert/stream command so it can cope with mesh extrusion extending over multiple subdomains.
+ Fixed a couple small typos and omission in the doc. Thanks to Moritz Höfert (BASF) for the note.
+ Added a few missing files for the SPH upgrade in 2.1 that were unintentionally left out. Thanks to Andreas Aigner (JKU) for the note.
+ Modified the fix nve/limit command so the limit can be given in terms of particle radius, which is more convenient for relaxing granular simulations.
+ Some preparations for a coarsegraining approach

However, there are some restrictions in 2.1.1 (see below) which will be relaxed over time:
+ region tetmesh is not yet available
+ 'all_in yes' is not yet available for fix insert/stream
+ fix breakparticle/force is not yet available