Incompatible restart

Submitted by SHUBHAM AGARWAL on Thu, 05/11/2023 - 09:47

I am extending LIGGGHTS-flexible fibers version to include nonlinear bond model. To correctly calculate bond energies in bondgran.cpp, I have increase the size of n_granhistory from 14 to 18, which I update in increments at every step.
If I now use some of the old simulations' restarts (based on previous version, i.e, 14 n_granhistory), it throws the following error:
"Íncompatibel restart file: file was created using a bond model with a different number of history values" at line 767 in atom_vec_bond_gran.cpp,

I shall be grateful if someone can suggest the way to extract the energies from previous restarts, and update in the n_granhistory 18. Please let me know for any clarifications in the question.
