How to view liggghts in spherical particles instead of squar-ish particles

Submitted by wenglee on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 23:58

Hi everyone,

I tried to run my simulations in liggghts and open it in Paraview. I tried to modify the dump file using custom/vtk and I tried to install the liggghts plugin in paraview as well but all my visualization seems to appear in squarish appearance as shown in the image i provided in this forum post.

I heard some used and lpp for the visualization but I am unsure on how to use them. I installed by using the steps:

"LPP can be downloaded by git only. For download and installation follow this procedure:
Open a terminal and go to the desired installation path, then download the latest version of LPP by typing:
git clone
To install LPP execute ./ in the LPP directory and follow the instructions given."

I am unsure on what else should I do after that. I am new to liggghts and I could not find a suitable visualization software that can show my particles in spherical structure to present in my presentation.

Can someone help me with this?


Image icon capture1.png14.24 KB
Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Fri, 03/04/2016 - 05:13


To run LPP, you can just execute something like:
python -i dump.myDumpFile -o RESULTS/myVTKs_

But, I think the data you obtained using the 'dump custom/vtk' command should be fine...

Can you provide more details on what your setup looks like in ParaView? From your image, it looks like you are just visualizing the point data from LIGGGHTs. If you want to visualize the particles to-scale and as spheres, you can:
1) apply the 'Glyph' filter to your imported data
2) Select 'sphere' as the Glyph type, and set the radius scale to '1'
3) Scale the Glyphs by the scalar value 'r'
4) Set the scale value to '1'

Here's a screenshot to help:

wenglee | Tue, 03/08/2016 - 22:16

Thanks for the help. It worked using point sprite! :)