How to deal with sudden expansion in a pipe.

Submitted by joshyan on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 16:02


Apologize for my poor English. I'm simulating a coupled CFD-DEM flow in a pipe with sudden expansion geometry. Blockmesh is used to generate O-block mesh. So, there will be some dense meshs at the slim side. How to deal with this problem when calculating the void fraction?

Huge thanks,

j-kerbl's picture

j-kerbl | Wed, 04/04/2018 - 09:40

Hi Josh,

this is probably a tough one, since it sounds the mesh will violate the assumption, that the cells will be bigger than the particles.
You can use the alphaMin value in the dividedProps to cutoff the voidfraction below that value.
Also a smoothingModel can help you with that. It will run a diffusion equation on the voidfraction, so it is spread out a bit. Don't make the diffusion length to big tough (~2*dp).
