General particle insertation query

Submitted by Mishal on Mon, 04/04/2022 - 21:56

Hi Guys

I read through the documentation, however I would just like to clarify my understanding.

Is the following correct considering the code presented below:
1. The total amount of particles for the simulation will be 1000
2. The mass rate will be 21.38kg/sec and this will be inserted for every single time step

For the below case if the time step size is 1 second the total mass is achieved at 46.77seconds.
If I now change the size of my time step to 0.001seconds that then implies that at 46.77seconds 1000kg would be achieved however more time steps are required to achieve this result since the size of the time step is smaller.

if however I change the "insert_every" to another numerical value say 100 using a time step of 0.001 seconds this implies that at increments of 0.1 seconds particles are inserted. Will this still imply that at 46.77seconds 1000kg of particles will be achieved? If so I assume that LIGGGHTS changes the quantity of particles as per the numerical value of the "insert_every" so that the required mass is always achieved at the time calculated by the "mass" and "massrate".

fix ins all insert/rate/region seed 86028121 distributiontemplate pdd mass 1000 massrate 21.38 insert_every 1 overlapcheck yes all_in yes vel constant 0 1 0 region factory ntry_mc 10000