Error during make auto

Submitted by liggghts_ubuntu on Tue, 04/25/2023 - 11:51

Dear fellows

Since I am new to ubuntu and liggghts I have problems troubleshooting the attached code after executing make auto in the terminal.
These are my Makefile.user settings:

# MPI: "ON" or "OFF"
# Description: Use the message passing interface for parallel execution
# Description: Allow the use of in-situ visualization using ParaView
# VTK: "ON" or "OFF"
# Description: Allow the use of VTK output that can be read directly with ParaView
# If you want to use the vtk output feature and did not install vtk yourself
# then set the following to "ON" and uncomment it to allow for an automatic download and compilation
# Description: Enable superquadric particles (Note: requires boost)

Originally, I tried installing OpenMPI, but i could not link it properly in the Makefile.user, so I decided to skip MPI. I dont understand why I still get an error related to MPI.

Any help is appreciated very much :-)
Thank you

Kind regards,

Plain text icon error_make_auto_liggghts_ubuntu.txt96.05 KB

kalylcie | Tue, 01/09/2024 - 08:50

Search your liggghts installation and code for any residual references to MPI libraries among us or headers. Remove them if found.

cherriesonce | Thu, 02/01/2024 - 08:39

The meanSupVelocityForce fvOptions model in the instructional scenario functions flawlessly, however in my situation, it complains that no such model exists doodle cricket. Why would someone act in such a bizarre way?