Drawing graphs from paraview

Submitted by swathi k on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 13:36

I am viewing the LIGGGHTS results in paraview, but I am not understanding how to see the velocity, force, stress changes with time and how to draw the graphs in paraview.

xpt | Fri, 08/26/2016 - 22:08

There are so many ways

If you want to see data of yours particles, you must to use this:

dump dmp0 all custom 10 post/dump*.data id type type x y z radius vx vy vz fz fy fz

And if you want to plot data through time, you can use this:

Or, if you don't want to use Paraview, you can calculate the data on LIGGGHTS, and export it in a text file
variable x_cm equal xcm(all,y)
variable masss equal mass(all)
fix DumpText all print 1 "${x_cm} ${masss}" file data.txt screen no

On the other hand, if you want to plot data from yours cads, you can export it in a text file also

fix forceexport all ave/time 1 1 1 f_cad1[2] f_cad1 file force.txt

I don't know which velocity, force or stress you want, with more information I can help you.

govind | Mon, 09/11/2017 - 08:28


I want to plot stress profile for particles at particular time step.
