Chimera Approach State of the Art?

Claudio Wolfer's picture
Submitted by Claudio Wolfer on Thu, 11/03/2011 - 14:26


In the paper "An Open Source CFD-DEM Perspective" I've read about the Chimera-Approach. Is this method state of the art in CFDEM or present this paper just a possible prospective feature of CFDEM?
If it is state of the art my next question is: how is the mesh for exchange fields generated and need it some modifications by the user? Need the momentum exchange mesh special attentions by the user? In Liggghts I've never read something about modifying mesh.

Thanks for explanation.

cgoniva's picture

cgoniva | Fri, 11/04/2011 - 09:12

Hi Claudio,

We've coded this feature for a very early version of CFDEM - so we know how to do it, and know about its pros and contras.

In the current versions we do not have this feature, as it is very user unfriendly.


Claudio Wolfer's picture

Claudio Wolfer | Fri, 11/04/2011 - 09:25

Hi Chris,

thanks, in that case I will no longer waste time on thinking about that.
