characteristic impact velocity

Submitted by knoe_ph on Thu, 06/27/2013 - 10:12

Hallo everyone,

I recently found out that the characteristic impact velocity (used for hookeian contact; described in pair_gran) have a high influence to the outcome of my simulation.

I'm not sure which is the meaning of this impact velocity and how to calculate it, maybe someone is able to explain it to me. Since im simulating an almost steady pebble bed, I assume I should set the impact velocity to zero or near zero. Is this correct?

Kind regards,

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Fri, 07/12/2013 - 14:14

Think of it as some kind of linearization of the non-linear contact behaviour around this impact velocity.
If you don't like the dependency oncharacteristic impact velocity , you could use hertz/history instead


rahulsoni | Fri, 10/11/2013 - 08:06

Characteristic impact velocity appears in the calculation for k_n (the k in the simplified hooke's law; F=-kx) under the Hooke or Hooke/history force model. Apparently, the stiffness constant, k_n is a function of velocity. But what bothers me is how to choose an appropriate characteristic velocity.

Earlier, I was running my simulation in EDEM and then I am attempting to replicate and progress with same in LIGGGHTS. I am planning to take average of velocities of all particles for a steady snapshot of EDEM. Chris please tell me whether I am going wrong.


Rahul Kumar Soni
Scientist, CSIR - IMMT, India