cfdemSolverIB & rotating particles

Nucleophobe's picture
Submitted by Nucleophobe on Wed, 01/14/2015 - 16:31

Hi all,

I am interested in using the fictitious domain solver 'cfdemSolverIB' for the simulation of large particles in a flow field. In my case, particle rotations may have a large impact on the fluid flow, so I am interested in modelling these physics.

I noticed that the coupling of particle rotations to the CFD seems to have been disabled in the source code:
void Foam::cfdemCloudIB::getDEMdata()
Info << "=== cfdemCloudIB::getDEMdata() === particle rotation not considered in CFD" << endl;
(from src/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/derived/cfdemCloudIB/cfdemCloudIB.C)

However, it appears that this functionality was used previously. For example, in some of Dr. Alice Hager's publications, the resolution of the Magnus force produced by a rotating particle is discussed (e.g., Fig. 10 in Hager et al. 2012,

Was this capability removed intentionally for some reason? Dr. Hager, if you are still on the forums, could you shed some light on this?

Much thanks,

zbtlfd | Mon, 01/19/2015 - 17:42

Hi Nuc,
I was interested in the same physics and have included the commented line in my simulations. It seems that influence of particle rotation is then reasonably well considered for the dynamics of the surrounding fluid, only one-way though. The damping of the rotation due to the fluid friction would not be considered and this seems to be much more effort to implement, as far as I could see. Since I was using a very viscous fluid, the one-way coupling only did not make any sense for my simulations and I just do not consider it for now.
Hope this helps somehow.
Best regards

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Tue, 01/20/2015 - 15:45

Thanks, Lukas; that helps a lot. Now I know where to start at least.

I will investigate implementing two-way coupling sometime in the next few weeks.

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Tue, 01/20/2015 - 17:00

From looking at the source code, I think it would be necessary to create a new force model which 1) calculates the moment on the particle based on boundary forces (not too difficult) and then 2) passes the moment to LIGGGHTS.

Do you know if cfdem is setup for passing moments to LIGGGHTS? I'm thinking this might actually be the more difficult part.

Riccardo Maione's picture

Riccardo Maione | Thu, 01/22/2015 - 08:19


Take a look at the different code receiver (I mean fix cfd/coupling/exc.), they receive vector from OpenFoam through the function fix_coupling->add_pull_property, what you have to do next is pass it to the right array where the momentum is stored, what I would suggest you is to create another fix cfd/coupling which receives this value and pass it to the right array,

good luck,

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Mon, 01/26/2015 - 20:59


Thank you for the suggestion. It looks like there is functionallity built in for passing a moment vector using "hdtorque". In LIGGGHTS, "src/fix_cfd_coupling_force.cpp":
// values to come from OF
if(use_force_) fix_coupling_->add_pull_property("dragforce","vector-atom");
if(use_torque_) fix_coupling_->add_pull_property("hdtorque","vector-atom");

So, I think on the LIGGGHTs side, this is relatively easy.

In OF, "src/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/cfdemCloud/cfdemCloud.C":
void Foam::cfdemCloud::giveDEMdata()

So, I think the steps to implementing torque / moment transfer would be:
1) Create a new force model for calculating the moment on the particles from the fluid forces
2) Create an array, say "DEM_moments" or "DEM_torques", for storing the moment vector
3) Change the LIGGGHTs input file so that the moment vector is read from OpenFOAM

Does this seem right?

Thanks all,

Riccardo Maione's picture

Riccardo Maione | Wed, 01/28/2015 - 09:37

Hello Nuc,

1) Create a new force model for calculating the moment on the particles from the fluid forces
2) Create an array, say "DEM_moments" or "DEM_torques", for storing the moment vector

I understood what you want to do with the first too step and I agree with it, but in the third step you say "Change the LIGGGHTs input file so that the moment vector is read from OpenFOAM", you mean the input of your simulation?, I didn't understand here what you were trying to say, I am sorry, but as it seems to me LIGGGHTS is already prepared to receive momentum through the function fix cfd coupling force.

So good luck,
Riccardo Maione

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 01/28/2015 - 18:58


Ah, okay. So when the following is read in the LIGGGHTs input file, 'all couple/cfd/force' will call 'add_pull_property("hdtorque","vector-atom")' , and if present, 'hdtorque' will be read from OpenFOAM:
#cfd coupling
fix cfd all couple/cfd couple_every 10 mpi
fix cfd2 all couple/cfd/force ## <- important part

That makes sense. Thanks again! It's time to get to work on this. I'll report back when I have results.

Any ideas for a good validation problem? Hager looked at Magnus forces, but that only required one-way coupling. I have a paper giving empirical results for spheres rolling down inclined planes in viscous fluids, so maybe that would be something to try.

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 09/02/2015 - 19:39


I wanted to report back that I have implemented two-way rotation coupling in CFDEM®coupling version 2.7.1. I had to modify a few different files to add the appropriate variables for communicating torque, but I can share the changes I made if anyone is interested. I have also performed some simple validation exercises (e.g., magnus force from a falling, rotating sphere: and am in the process of performing a more rigorous validation.

I am also working on re-implementing the changes in the latest version (2.9.0).

Thanks for the pointers, Riccardo and Lukas!

Daniel Queteschiner | Thu, 09/03/2015 - 10:00

I guess a lot of people are interested in new features so it would be great if you could share your code changes!

cbpf2 | Wed, 10/28/2015 - 18:15

Hello Nucleophobe,

Can you please share your modifications to the code to be able to perform two-away rotation coupling.

Best regards,

jpola | Mon, 11/30/2015 - 17:39


It would be great if you will share your code with. Is it available somewhere?


bnaar | Thu, 02/11/2016 - 08:54

Is this code already shared somewhere? It would be very helpful to make use of it.



Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Fri, 03/04/2016 - 23:05


Sorry, it has been a few *months* now and I'm just now getting back to this!

I can share the code I implemented for CFDEM®coupling version 2.7.1 soon (I can't access the files at the moment). However, I'm still trying to understand some of the changes that have been made to CFDEM®coupling over the past year, and I haven't updated the rotation coupling code for the latest version (yet).

In CFDEM®coupling version 2.7.1, 'ShirgaonkarIB' calculated the pressure and viscous forces on the particles and stored these forces in the variable 'DEMForces.' This variable was then passed off to the DEM solver during the coupling step. Similarly, the new force model that I created, 'ShirgaonkarIBTorques,' uses a new variable 'DEMTorques' to communicate the fluid forces to the DEM solver.

However, in CFDEM®coupling version 2.9.x and forward, 'ShirgaonkarIBTorques' uses the 'implicitForces' variable. Was the treatment of the forces modified in some fundamental way, or was there just a change in nomenclature? I'm confused at the purpose of the separate force variables 'implicitForces', 'explicitForces', and 'DEMForces'...

Anyway, I can upload what I have for now and then work on updating my code to the latest version later. Let me know if you have any advice.

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Sat, 03/05/2016 - 01:57

*However, in CFDEM®coupling version 2.9.x and forward, 'ShirgaonkarIB' uses...
^ correcting my typo to avoid confusion!

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Mon, 03/07/2016 - 18:02

Hi everyone,

Here are the modifications that I made for two-way rotation coupling with the fictitious domain solver. I also included an example case (falling, spinning sphere):

Here is a video comparing no rotation coupling, one-way rotation coupling, and two-way rotation coupling:
The difference between the one-way and two-way rotation coupling simulations is subtle, but the rotation of the sphere is damped slightly due to the fluid moments with two-way rotation coupling turned on. This is more clear if you plot the angular velocities over time for the two cases:

As I mentioned previously, these changes will only work with CFDEM®coupling version 2.7.1, but I hope to implement the new force model in the latest version eventually.

If you want to try this out, I included the compatible version of CFDEM®coupling at the link above, or you can grab a copy from the source here:

Let me know if you have questions of suggestions. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

zhang | Tue, 11/15/2016 - 03:35

Hi Nucleophobe,
I am very insterested in the wonderful job you do(particle rotation coupling with the fictitious domain solver), but I can't open the link you apply, Would you mind applying it elsewhere again or email the code to me.
Thanks in advance

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 11/30/2016 - 17:30

Hi Zhang,

The links still work for me, but I can upload them elsewhere (e.g., git) this weekend. Can you check the link again to see if there was just a temporary server outage or something?


zhang | Sun, 12/04/2016 - 11:11

Hi Nun
I have already open the link, I am sorry for I forgot to say it.Thank you for your reply.

bnaar | Tue, 03/08/2016 - 11:30

Hi Nuc,

Thank you for uploading. If I find any improvements, I will let you know.



jpola | Thu, 08/04/2016 - 16:55


Nuc I have question for you.

I have brief implementation of your code in latest CFDEM version.

I'm curious about the test you provided. The Courant number is constantly rising during the two-way simulation. Did you observed that as well?

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Thu, 12/08/2016 - 15:22


Could you share your 3.4.0 version with the group?


Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Thu, 08/25/2016 - 23:32

"The Courant number is constantly rising during the two-way simulation. Did you observed that as well?"

It's hard to tell what's happening for you without more information, but it sounds like your case is diverging. That could be a problem with the code or with your case setup. Can you provide more information?

I have validated the solver against a few benchmark cases from the literature now so I'm fairly certain that the implementation I provided for 2.7.1 works correctly. However, many changes have been made to CFDEM since then, so the problem you are experiencing could be related to some of those changes being incompatible with what I did.

Let me know if you're still stuck.

jpola | Mon, 10/03/2016 - 01:53


you are right. The case was not properly defined. Now it is working good. I've validated it with some publications and looks very good. Thanks again for your help & code.

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Tue, 10/04/2016 - 05:19


I'm happy to hear that your case is working and that the validation data look good.

I have a publication under review right now with results from a few different validation cases and some simulations to demonstrate the capability of the validated solver. I can share the reference later when the manuscript is in press if anyone is interested.


Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 11/30/2016 - 17:41

Hi again,

Here is a publication from me and my colleagues that uses the custom solver with two-way rotation coupling:

There are some verification and validation results in the body of the paper for three benchmark cases: (1) the flow over a 2D cylinder, (2) a sphere falling in a viscous fluid, and (3) the cross-stream migration of a sphere in Poiseiulle flow (aka the Segre-Silberberg effect). There is also some commentary on the solver improvements in the Appendix.

If there is interest, I could maybe upload the validation cases and the code for performing simulations with periodic boundary conditions.

Thanks again to Lukas and Riccardo for the pointers they provided at the beginning of this thread.


Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 11/30/2016 - 17:47

*Poiseuille, not Poiseiulle. Sorry, Jean :)

cgoniva's picture

cgoniva | Fri, 12/02/2016 - 09:51

Hello Nuc,

great to see what you could achieve with CFDEMcoupling!

I added the link to the featured work section here:


Christoph Goniva

Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Tue, 12/06/2016 - 21:33

Thanks, Christoph.

edgar.haner@gma... | Fri, 01/20/2017 - 18:36


Congratulations on the nice publication. If you have time and it is not too much trouble, I would be interested to play around with the validation cases.

Kind regards,


Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 02/01/2017 - 01:09

Hi Edgar,

I plan on uploading the code and V&V cases on GitHub. I'll report back here when the repo is ready.

Then, I'd like to eventually make a branch for the latest CFDEM version if I can find the time (or maybe someone else will beat me to it :) )


Nucleophobe's picture

Nucleophobe | Wed, 11/29/2017 - 02:59

Hi all,

This thread is stale by now, but I did finally get around to uploading my code:

This is a fork of the main CFDEMcoupling branch back at version 2.7.x, so it's quite old by now. But, I've had a couple of people reach out asking for the modified code and the validation test cases, so I thought I'd share anyway in case it's useful to someone here.

The Segré–Silberberg effect test case is included in the 'tutorials' directory:


yeting | Fri, 10/19/2018 - 04:32

Hello , Nucleophobe
I downloaded these packages.Then the Segré–Silberberg effect was simulated. A first, I just added ShrgaokarIBTorques and ShirgaokarIB to the file of couplingProperties. It worked! But there seems to be a problem on the periodic boundary in my test. Is ShrgaokarIBTorques and ShrgaokarIBperiodicGradP used together?
If I put the particle not too far from the mouth of the pipe, the particle can go through the periodic boundary and run normally, but it will report an error when the particle comes to the mouth exported again.If I place the particles in the front, they will report an error when they reach the periodic boundary (and sometimes fail to detect the presence of the particles). The following is the error message when I put the particles at the positions of 0.095 and 0.04 respectively(The length of the pipe I used is 0.1m):

Initial position:x=0.095,y=0.003,z=0

Time = 1.69251

Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 65772.
Selected 19 split points out of a possible 158.
Unrefined from 65772 to 65639 cells.
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 324 source faces and 408 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.973223823686, 1.00000013813, 0.998669218088
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.999985986517, 1.00000049667, 0.999999905256
Courant Number mean: 0.000835380180315 max: 0.00450523384649
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
impForces = 0,0,0
Initializing torque vector to zeros:
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
564160 1 0 3.4066265e-13 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 564170
564170 1 0 9.6253591e+18 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.000150919 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 1 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
- selecting all cells
- selected 65639 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

- selecting all cells
- selected 65639 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 3.12826753952e-06, Final residual = 3.12826753952e-06, No Iterations 0
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.00247459028726, Final residual = 2.62124283557e-06, No Iterations 1
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.00372730787284, Final residual = 1.80326190646e-06, No Iterations 1
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.463942893784, Final residual = 9.00378998265e-07, No Iterations 203
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0409562522887, Final residual = 7.89048961776e-07, No Iterations 194
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00378261455584, Final residual = 9.16484001551e-07, No Iterations 172
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.12873682989e-12, global = -2.1023329028e-12, cumulative = 3.59512626412e-08
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00109606685104, Final residual = 7.87768146258e-07, No Iterations 170
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.000135864216515, Final residual = 8.95920118997e-07, No Iterations 9
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 1.1910765738e-05, Final residual = 7.95039144217e-07, No Iterations 6
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.12736340304e-12, global = -2.10263088314e-12, cumulative = 3.59491600104e-08
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 5.09957868302e-06, Final residual = 9.50513454316e-07, No Iterations 6
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 1.55229525624e-06, Final residual = 7.05883420386e-07, No Iterations 1
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 7.37958164725e-07, Final residual = 7.37958164725e-07, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.12537689549e-12, global = -2.10263325976e-12, cumulative = 3.59470573771e-08
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 7.40568878943e-07, Final residual = 7.40568878943e-07, No Iterations 0
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 7.40568878943e-07, Final residual = 7.40568878943e-07, No Iterations 0
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 7.40568878943e-07, Final residual = 7.40568878943e-07, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.12545005119e-12, global = -2.1026332589e-12, cumulative = 3.59449547438e-08

Maximum per-cell div(U): 3.1659865622e+16
Minimum per-cell div(U): -3.07422479347e+16
DICPCG: Solving for phiIB, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 7.91098587788e-07, No Iterations 199
Maximum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): 1.98462204728e+16
Minimum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): -1.8027191067e+16

- selecting all cells
- selected 65639 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 1110563.22072, pressure gradient = -37123656270.7
ExecutionTime = 27409.97 s ClockTime = 27413 s

Time = 1.69254

Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 65639.
Selected 0 split points out of a possible 139.
Courant Number mean: 0.000835379377854 max: 0.00450674987499
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
impForces = 0,0,0
Initializing torque vector to zeros:
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
564170 1 0 9.6253591e+18 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 564180
564180 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.00363261 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 0 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.123763008433, Final residual = 3.33471923406e-07, No Iterations 2
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.0975072413722, Final residual = 2.3250524621e-07, No Iterations 2
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.0422688874693, Final residual = 1.83540132205e-07, No Iterations 2
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.672215972217, Final residual = 8.46745945205e-07, No Iterations 207
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0769234762487, Final residual = 9.06999499244e-07, No Iterations 178
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00621240095512, Final residual = 9.5486449819e-07, No Iterations 78
time step continuity errors : sum local = 852.694522645, global = 806.63598003, cumulative = 806.635980066
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00878707267899, Final residual = 9.67846850835e-07, No Iterations 175
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.000923253781966, Final residual = 9.28070723836e-07, No Iterations 18
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 7.61218987894e-05, Final residual = 8.1830059812e-07, No Iterations 8
time step continuity errors : sum local = 820.696697684, global = 784.144911428, cumulative = 1590.78089149
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 4.1295523427e-05, Final residual = 9.88972742491e-07, No Iterations 6
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 4.39903396939e-06, Final residual = 8.69451928043e-07, No Iterations 2
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 1.05593569418e-06, Final residual = 7.35551106397e-07, No Iterations 1
time step continuity errors : sum local = 816.536677758, global = 784.106668677, cumulative = 2374.88756017
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 8.85050029233e-07, Final residual = 8.85050029233e-07, No Iterations 0
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 8.85050029233e-07, Final residual = 8.85050029233e-07, No Iterations 0
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 8.85050029233e-07, Final residual = 8.85050029233e-07, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 823.485822631, global = 784.10667038, cumulative = 3158.99423055

Maximum per-cell div(U): 1.31726155951e+16
Minimum per-cell div(U): -1.19486413858e+16
DICPCG: Solving for phiIB, Initial residual = 0.690051364447, Final residual = 9.21011847637e-07, No Iterations 198
Maximum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): 9.85923176901e+15
Minimum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): -8.98697478399e+15

Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = -1114684.65952, pressure gradient = 133494353.98
ExecutionTime = 27410.4 s ClockTime = 27414 s

Time = 1.69257

Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 65639.
Selected 139 split points out of a possible 139.
Unrefined from 65639 to 64666 cells.
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 300 source faces and 306 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.973223823686, 1.00000013813, 0.998562759834
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.999997995027, 1.00000049667, 0.999999932728
Courant Number mean: 97356640.3544 max: 1.09603189884e+12
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
564180 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 564190
564190 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.000155926 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 0 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
- selecting all cells
- selected 64666 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

- selecting all cells
- selected 64666 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.831821307955, Final residual = 9.2770960632, No Iterations 1001
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.798037714954, Final residual = 1061.22012938, No Iterations 1001
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.906464261482, Final residual = 93.3131275893, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 1.20614466496, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.381883541868, Final residual = 0.633331171367, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.505184486384, Final residual = 1.22389318302, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 1.42784497428e+20, global = -1.03701738049e+16, cumulative = -1.03701738049e+16
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.999880639534, Final residual = 3.18093918279, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.65526021891, Final residual = 1.07847689297, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.754845536165, Final residual = 0.946517474105, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 9.30857652232e+24, global = 1.74831498348e+17, cumulative = 1.64461324544e+17
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.999945067073, Final residual = 3.71209474602, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.751120258249, Final residual = 2.31164385075, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.871739171165, Final residual = 1.68184980786, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 4.1814543619e+30, global = 4.6648273633e+20, cumulative = 4.66647197655e+20
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.999993942125, Final residual = 5.30197875369, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.746699011907, Final residual = 7.59371523769, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.871478426242, Final residual = 0.570188047918, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 3.31254473245e+37, global = -5.2334874296e+28, cumulative = -5.23348738293e+28

Maximum per-cell div(U): 1.71808372644e+45
Minimum per-cell div(U): -1.21711164716e+45
DICPCG: Solving for phiIB, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 7.75638796301e-07, No Iterations 197
Maximum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): 1.10951224827e+45
Minimum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): -8.78925875909e+44

- selecting all cells
- selected 64666 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = 2.48131594149e+37, pressure gradient = 2.10806408172e+45
ExecutionTime = 27417.03 s ClockTime = 27420 s

Time = 1.6926

Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 64666.
Selected 22 split points out of a possible 22.
Unrefined from 64666 to 64512 cells.
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 288 source faces and 288 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.973223823686, 1.00000013813, 0.998502874827
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.999997995027, 1.00000049667, 0.999999928523
Courant Number mean: 6.52350017756e+37 max: 7.13209077473e+40
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
564190 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 564200
564200 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.000154972 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 0 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
- selecting all cells
- selected 64512 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

- selecting all cells
- selected 64512 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

[0] #0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&)[1] #0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&)[2] #0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&)[3] #0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
[1] #1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[0] #1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[2] #1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[2] #2 at ??:?
[0] #2 at ??:?
[3] #1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[1] #2 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[0] #3 Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field&, Foam::Field const&, unsigned char) const in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[2] #3 Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field&, Foam::Field const&, unsigned char) const in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[1] #3 Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field&, Foam::Field const&, unsigned char) const at ??:?
[3] #2 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc. at ??:?
[1] #4 so.6"
[3] #3 Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field&, Foam::Field const&, unsigned char) const at ??:?
[2] #4 at ??:?
[0] #4 Foam::fvMatrix >::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&)Foam::fvMatrix >::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&)Foam::fvMatrix >::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #5 at ??:?
[3] #4 at ??:?
[2] #5 Foam::fvMatrix >::solve(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[0] #5 Foam::fvMatrix >::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #6 Foam::fvMatrix >::solve(Foam::dictionary const&)Foam::fvMatrix >::solve(Foam::dictionary const&)Foam::SolverPerformance Foam::solve >(Foam::tmp > > const&) at ??:?
[3] #5 at ??:?
[2] #6 at ??:?
[0] #6 at ??:?
[1] #7 Foam::fvMatrix >::solve(Foam::dictionary const&)Foam::SolverPerformance Foam::solve >(Foam::tmp > > const&)
Foam::SolverPerformance Foam::solve >(Foam::tmp > > const&)[1] at ??:?
[1] #8 __libc_start_main at ??:?
[3] #6 at ??:?
[2] #7 at ??:?
[0] #7 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[1] #9 Foam::SolverPerformance Foam::solve >(Foam::tmp > > const&)

at ??:?
[3] #7 [2] at ??:?
[2] #8 __libc_start_main[0] at ??:?
[0] #8 __libc_start_main[1] at ??:?
[yt-Super-Server:27634] *** Process received signal ***
[yt-Super-Server:27634] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[yt-Super-Server:27634] Signal code: (-6)
[yt-Super-Server:27634] Failing at address: 0x3e800006bf2
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f147bad5cb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f147bad5c37]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f147bad5cb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 3] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7f147cc09b78]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 4] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE15solveSegregatedERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x46a) [0x438b1a]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 5] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x14f) [0x44cc4f]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 6] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam5solveINS_6VectorIdEEEENS_17SolverPerformanceIdEERKNS_3tmpINS_8fvMatrixIT_EEEE+0xbe) [0x44cf3e]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 7] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41da30]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f147bac0f45]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] [ 9] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41e97b]
[yt-Super-Server:27634] *** End of error message ***

in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[2] #9 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[0] #9 [3] at ??:?
[3] #8 __libc_start_main

[2] at ??:?
[yt-Super-Server:27635] *** Process received signal ***
[yt-Super-Server:27635] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[yt-Super-Server:27635] Signal code: (-6)
[yt-Super-Server:27635] Failing at address: 0x3e800006bf3
in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[3] #9 [yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f191b479cb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f191b479c37]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f191b479cb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 3] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7f191c5adb78]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 4] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE15solveSegregatedERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x46a) [0x438b1a]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 5] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x14f) [0x44cc4f]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 6] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam5solveINS_6VectorIdEEEENS_17SolverPerformanceIdEERKNS_3tmpINS_8fvMatrixIT_EEEE+0xbe) [0x44cf3e]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 7] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41da30]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f191b464f45]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] [ 9] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41e97b]
[yt-Super-Server:27635] *** End of error message ***
[0] at ??:?
[yt-Super-Server:27633] *** Process received signal ***
[yt-Super-Server:27633] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[yt-Super-Server:27633] Signal code: (-6)
[yt-Super-Server:27633] Failing at address: 0x3e800006bf1
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f149716ccb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f149716cc37]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f149716ccb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 3] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7f14982a0b78]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 4] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE15solveSegregatedERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x46a) [0x438b1a]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 5] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x14f) [0x44cc4f]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 6] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam5solveINS_6VectorIdEEEENS_17SolverPerformanceIdEERKNS_3tmpINS_8fvMatrixIT_EEEE+0xbe) [0x44cf3e]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 7] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41da30]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f1497157f45]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] [ 9] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41e97b]
[yt-Super-Server:27633] *** End of error message ***

[3] at ??:?
[yt-Super-Server:27636] *** Process received signal ***
[yt-Super-Server:27636] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[yt-Super-Server:27636] Signal code: (-6)
[yt-Super-Server:27636] Failing at address: 0x3e800006bf4
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe6260d6cb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe6260d6c37]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe6260d6cb0]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 3] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7fe62720ab78]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 4] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE15solveSegregatedERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x46a) [0x438b1a]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 5] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x14f) [0x44cc4f]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 6] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam5solveINS_6VectorIdEEEENS_17SolverPerformanceIdEERKNS_3tmpINS_8fvMatrixIT_EEEE+0xbe) [0x44cf3e]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 7] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41da30]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe6260c1f45]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] [ 9] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41e97b]
[yt-Super-Server:27636] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 27634 on node yt-Super-Server exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception).

Initial position: x=0.004,y=0.003,z=0

Time = 9.01476

Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 65772.
Selected 1 split points out of a possible 146.
Unrefined from 65772 to 65765 cells.
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 372 source faces and 423 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.973223823686, 1.00000013813, 0.998840934098
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.999997995027, 1.00000049667, 0.999999948933
Courant Number mean: 0.0041253087424 max: 152.607505204
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
impForces = 0,0,0
Initializing torque vector to zeros:
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
3004910 1 0 0.000108219 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 3004920
3004920 1 0 0.00010771502 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.0001297 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 1 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
- selecting all cells
- selected 65765 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

- selecting all cells
- selected 65765 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.510954675886, Final residual = 4.10738354981, No Iterations 1001
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.613579282102, Final residual = 6.20385914369e-06, No Iterations 60
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.640817235384, Final residual = 119741.107551, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.999995370656, Final residual = 8.41897740513e-07, No Iterations 215
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.120228366515, Final residual = 9.00739199161e-07, No Iterations 198
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00764211841008, Final residual = 9.54588675444e-07, No Iterations 178
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.0936177188322, global = -0.093437007413, cumulative = -0.0934371407007
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.525312462741, Final residual = 8.42619905046e-07, No Iterations 205
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.032663534943, Final residual = 9.8704654266e-07, No Iterations 160
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0019419086077, Final residual = 9.58786573095e-07, No Iterations 158
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.0247799954717, global = -0.0245042152959, cumulative = -0.117941355997
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.788155546656, Final residual = 8.03683313831e-07, No Iterations 209
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0383891136098, Final residual = 7.91475842501e-07, No Iterations 188
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00208810228153, Final residual = 9.81201996223e-07, No Iterations 91
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.139801788305, global = 0.138820497736, cumulative = 0.0208791417396
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.921567922584, Final residual = 9.50122500997e-07, No Iterations 192
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.031749194534, Final residual = 7.89607311064e-07, No Iterations 192
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.00175699712175, Final residual = 9.77849213084e-07, No Iterations 23
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.845607305963, global = -0.839206753132, cumulative = -0.818327611392

Maximum per-cell div(U): 3.50966768772e+12
Minimum per-cell div(U): -1.01028877573e+12
DICPCG: Solving for phiIB, Initial residual = 0.999999333869, Final residual = 8.64115308303e-07, No Iterations 299
Maximum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): 1.77547142503e+12
Minimum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): -745414388900

- selecting all cells
- selected 65765 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = -277.528204849, pressure gradient = 9278358.41564
ExecutionTime = 166781.57 s ClockTime = 166789 s

Time = 9.01479

Selected 10 cells for refinement out of 65765.
Refined from 65765 to 65835 cells.
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 372 source faces and 432 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.973223823686, 1.00000013813, 0.998840934098
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.999997995027, 1.00000049667, 0.999999949687
Selected 0 split points out of a possible 154.
Courant Number mean: 6211.89562467 max: 1075509771.52
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
impForces = 0,0,0
Initializing torque vector to zeros:
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
3004920 1 0 0.00010771502 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 3004930
3004930 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.00434661 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 0 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
- selecting all cells
- selected 65835 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

- selecting all cells
- selected 65835 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.999994074929, Final residual = 0.68231341972, No Iterations 1001
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.999995166786, Final residual = 2.5782969066, No Iterations 1001
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.999987967776, Final residual = 3.4116870651, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.999999995043, Final residual = 7.76603077514, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.884778832111, Final residual = 2.08049997589, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.909190280042, Final residual = 3.11704242593, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 986253172664, global = -555886237.684, cumulative = -555886238.502
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.998171125523, Final residual = 615.26440391, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.957399122738, Final residual = 3.52732066903, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.957309413464, Final residual = 1.48255147259, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.26062202355e+18, global = -6.38717048186e+13, cumulative = -6.38722607048e+13
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.998950334574, Final residual = 13.1385285538, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.864805912397, Final residual = 0.718363958031, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.844908261367, Final residual = 2.28027513743, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 5.45906889438e+22, global = -1.35037796917e+18, cumulative = -1.35044184143e+18
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.999160086596, Final residual = 19.5492844008, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.952795301845, Final residual = 3.90249699113, No Iterations 1001
suppressing ddt(voidfraction)
DICPCG: Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.945708013516, Final residual = 1.46333345138, No Iterations 1001
time step continuity errors : sum local = 8.49797689604e+27, global = 7.51310604945e+23, cumulative = 7.51309254504e+23

Maximum per-cell div(U): 1.3208916816e+36
Minimum per-cell div(U): -6.05635366578e+35
DICPCG: Solving for phiIB, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 9.38714908812e-07, No Iterations 287
Maximum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): 9.0574974387e+35
Minimum per-cell div(U) (should be zero!): -4.48197160662e+35

- selecting all cells
- selected 65835 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

Pressure gradient source: uncorrected Ubar = -6.2083387834e+27, pressure gradient = 3.99409752871e+32
ExecutionTime = 166788.94 s ClockTime = 166796 s

Time = 9.01482

Selected 0 cells for refinement out of 65835.
Selected 154 split points out of a possible 154.
Unrefined from 65835 to 64757 cells.
AMI: Creating addressing and weights between 306 source faces and 327 target faces
AMI: Patch source sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.973223823686, 1.00000013813, 0.998590940741
AMI: Patch target sum(weights) min/max/average = 0.999997995027, 1.00000049667, 0.999999935575
Courant Number mean: 1.58183204378e+28 max: 6.9983601921e+31
- evolve()

timeStepFraction() = 1
- setForce(forces_)
setForce done.
giveDEMdata done.
Starting up LIGGGHTS
398 Executing command: 'run 10 pre no post no'
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
3004930 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
CFD Coupling established at step 3004940
3004940 0 -0 0 6.4e-06
Loop time of 0.000139713 on 4 procs for 10 steps with 0 atoms
LIGGGHTS finished
evolve done.
- selecting all cells
- selected 64757 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

- selecting all cells
- selected 64757 cell(s) with volume 4.99011759192e-06

[1] #0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
[1] #1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[1] #2 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[1] #3 Foam::DILUPreconditioner::calcReciprocalD(Foam::Field&, Foam::lduMatrix const&) at ??:?
[1] #4 Foam::DILUPreconditioner::DILUPreconditioner(Foam::lduMatrix::solver const&, Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #5 Foam::lduMatrix::preconditioner::addasymMatrixConstructorToTable::New(Foam::lduMatrix::solver const&, Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #6 Foam::lduMatrix::preconditioner::New(Foam::lduMatrix::solver const&, Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #7 Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field&, Foam::Field const&, unsigned char) const at ??:?
[1] #8 Foam::fvMatrix >::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #9 Foam::fvMatrix >::solve(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #10 Foam::SolverPerformance Foam::solve >(Foam::tmp > > const&) at ??:?
[1] #11
[1] at ??:?
[1] #12 __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[1] #13
[1] at ??:?
[yt-Super-Server:02552] *** Process received signal ***
[yt-Super-Server:02552] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[yt-Super-Server:02552] Signal code: (-6)
[yt-Super-Server:02552] Failing at address: 0x3e8000009f8
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fea0100ecb0]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fea0100ec37]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fea0100ecb0]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 3] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7fea0214db2b]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 4] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7fea0214dce0]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 5] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7fea0214df9e]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 6] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7fea0213df83]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 7] /home/yt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.x/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/ [0x7fea0214272f]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 8] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE15solveSegregatedERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x46a) [0x438b1a]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [ 9] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x14f) [0x44cc4f]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [10] ac_cfdemSolverIB(_ZN4Foam5solveINS_6VectorIdEEEENS_17SolverPerformanceIdEERKNS_3tmpINS_8fvMatrixIT_EEEE+0xbe) [0x44cf3e]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [11] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41da30]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [12] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fea00ff9f45]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] [13] ac_cfdemSolverIB() [0x41e97b]
[yt-Super-Server:02552] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 2552 on node yt-Super-Server exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception).
There's nothing I can do about it.Do you know where that went wrong or give me some advice?Thanks in advance !