Applying a Specific Equation of Motion to a Body within a Loop

Submitted by Amine Zahra on Tue, 07/04/2023 - 08:21


I have a body (mesh) in my system, that I would like to let it have a specific (linear) movement but according to an equation that represents the acceleration and deceleration of it.

The equation is represented by 3 parts, each standing for a time phase, and they are in terms of a variable z.

I want to write a loop, that considers the increase of z by a certain increment that I define and includes three parts representing each equation within a certain time phase.

May you please suggest a way to define such a loop.

Thank you for your support.

deepakpawar.2310 | Wed, 07/05/2023 - 18:29


you can use the fix addforce command to apply forces to your mesh based on the equation representing the mesh movement.
(Plz refer this link

You can use if condition to discretize the time domain for different mesh movement and give label to each phase, lastly call each label for the corresponding mesh movement

Thank you