About restarting servo wall and outputing its location

Submitted by Zheng Hu on Fri, 10/13/2017 - 06:22

Dear all,

I am using command "read_restart" to restart my simulation and used the same servo wall command as the original code which is applied to create the restart file (shown below).

"fix topwall all mesh/surface/stress/servo file meshes/topwall.stl type 2 com 0. 0. 0.1 ctrlPV force axis 0. 0. -1 target_val 300 vel_max 0.03 kp 1"

However, when I want to obtain the z-axis location of this servo wall, I used the command "variable postop equal f_topwall[9] #position" and then I can indeed obtain the specific location of the wall. However, when I want to obtain the force acting on the wall, using command "variable forcetop equal f_topwall[3]", I got the result of zero. What happened? Could someone please give me a hint? Many thanks!
